Sunday, October 16, 2016

C'est l'Halloween!

Joyeux Halloween everyone!

Halloween is just around the corner. So, you will learn some Halloween vocabulary in French. Go to the Quizlet site and practice the vocabulary. Also,do you like the Halloween song? I put the song so that you can listen and sing along the song. C'est l'Halloween.
Quizlet Halloween Vocabulary in French

Study Stack Halloween Vocabulary

Monday, October 10, 2016

J'aime Unit Study

Go to the quizlet site, and practice the phrases.
Your study goals are as follows;

1. You should learn how to say " I love", " I like" " I don't like" " I hate" " I like a lot" and " I like a little" in French.
2. You should learn the vocabulary in order to say what you like, what you love and what you don't like etc... in French.
3. You should be able to write and say what you like, what you love and what you don't like etc.. in French.
Bonne chance.
  Quizelt J'aime site.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Let's speak French Project 1 Voki for education

French Project 1 outline
This is the first indivisual French project. Before recording your voice, you need to practice your phrases until you can say them fluently. Travalliez bien. ( Work hard.)